Monday, November 12, 2007


We went to Alcudia, a city at the northern tip of the island of Mallorca tow Sundays ago. It's a beautiful old Roman city. In the picture you can see a section of the old city wall. The narrow streets are mostly of Spanish architecture, with buildings ranging from the modern to the pre-gothic.
On Sundays, there's an open market where they sell everything from fresh fruit and vegetables to clothes. After a stroll through the market, we went for a walk along the beach. It was a warm sunny day and the sea was a smooth as glass. There was a light breeze and further out in the bay, people were out boating. While the water is too cold to swim in, it is still warm enough to take off your shoes and wade in the water on the shore. At this time of year, there are virtually no tourists. Those that are there tend to be retirees from England and Germany. During the summer, this beach would be packed with tourists, windsurfers, kite surfers and boaters.

We then took a stroll along a back country road to see the old Roman ruins of Polentia. Here is a picture of the girls along a country road and another of the Roman ruins. After visitng the riuns, we walked back into Alcudia and had lunch at a pizzeria on one of Alcudia's smaller plazas. After lunch, we hit the playground and headed home for a nap and to play with the girls at the Huerto (orchard) where we live. A brilliant day, all in all!

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